Calm is key — A guide to a happier, more productive workplace (DroidconNYC 2019)

Many of today’s work environments are crazy — they run at a frenetic pace, full of interruptions and distractions. They leave us drained, overworked, and frustrated.
And yet we do our best work in the opposite environment — when we’re focused, clear headed, and have time to think. So let’s try to shift the balance by talking about a better, calmer way.
We’ll talk about a variety of ways we can all encourage greater calm at work. How do we maintain focus and prevent interruptions? What are some strategies to manage our time and responsibilities? What can we do both at work and home to keep me sharp mentally? And how do maintain real balance and boundaries between work and home?
By the end of the talk, I hope you’ll have some new ideas and inspiration to work toward a calmer, more productive work environment for you and your team.