👋 Hi, I'm Dan! I’m an Engineering Manager with an extensive background in Android and web development. I care deeply about the people I work with and strive to build empathetic, collaborative, and communicative teams that execute with precision and speed. I value independence and autonomy (with proper managerial support), remote work, writing and written communication, transparency, accountability, and celebrating the humans responsible for great work.
Dan Kim - Skyline Furniture, MFG. | LinkedIn
Hi, I'm Dan! I’m an Engineering Manager with an extensive background in Android and web… · Experience: Skyline Furniture, MFG. · Education: Indiana University Bloomington · Location: Greater Chicago Area · 216 connections on LinkedIn. View Dan Kim’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.

Email is the best way to reach me, but I also spend a little time on Bluesky and my DMs are open. If you have any questions or would like to chat about anything, feel free to hit me up!
Conferences & Community
Dan Kim | KotlinConf 2025, May 21–23, Copenhagen
KotlinConf is the official Kotlin conference by JetBrains. It is a place for the community to gather and discuss all things Kotlin.

From IC to EM – A guide to stepping into the weird, wild world of management (Women Who Code Mobile 2022)
So you’re thinking about becoming an engineering manager, eh? Awesome, let’s go! I considered this exact same decision about a year ago, and ultimately ended up taking the leap. I’ll walk you through how I made the call to switch to being an EM after many years

Ktor for Mobile Developers — Fear the server no more! (KotlinConf 2019)
Building mobile apps is what we love to do, but there’s always one nagging problem — writing server side components to support our apps can be surprisingly complex and difficult. There’s a lot of overhead and a bunch of unfamiliar languages, frameworks, and styles of programming that we’re

Calm is key — A guide to a happier, more productive workplace (DroidconNYC 2019)
Many of today’s work environments are crazy — they run at a frenetic pace, full of interruptions and distractions. They leave us drained, overworked, and frustrated. And yet we do our best work in the opposite environment — when we’re focused, clear headed, and have time to think. So let’

A Kotlin Journey (Kotlin Everywhere Chicago 2019)
As the saying goes, it’s not the destination, it’s the journey! In this talk I’ll be sharing my personal story as an introduction to what a Kotlin journey might look like. We’ll explore how and why Kotlin can make such a big impact on our work.

The future of our community is YOU! (Droidcon NYC 2018 Keynote)
Every day each one of us turns to community contributions to help us become better developers — blog posts, open source projects, conference talks, podcasts, and so much more. Can you imagine if these resources didn’t exist?! And while our community is strong today, it’s healthiest when it continues

Android KTX — A Dash of Kotlin Makes All the Difference! (KotlinConf 2018)
When Kotlin hit the Android scene, one of the first things many of us did was wrap difficult-to-use Android Framework APIs with extension functions. That little sprinkle of Kotlin made all the difference, and life was great — we finally we had a way to make our least favorite calls more

The future of the Android community is YOU (Chicago Roboto 2018)
If you’ve been paying attention to what’s been going on in our community — conferences, meetups, blog posts, podcasts, open source (the list goes on and on) — you’ve probably noticed a really wonderful energy and spirit behind them all. Yes, our community is healthy and thriving! And while

Getting to 100% Kotlin — A practical guide (Droidcon NYC 2017, Android Summit 2017)
A lot of teams are super excited by Kotlin and are ready to go all-in with it. But while exciting, it can also be stressful — learning a brand new language while converting old code and writing new features, all at the same time? How does a team get there as

Selected Musings
Hate your job? Happier times are within your grasp
I know this feeling isn’t unique. In fact you might be feeling today how I did years ago — coming home from work tired, uninspired, unhappy, and even angry. It’s not a good look. But change is within your grasp. It won’t be easy, but you can be
Your struggles can inspire others
Think back to the the last time you struggled mightily with a programming problem. Did you share it with the world? If you didn’t, that’s totally OK — most of us don’t! Why would we? Nobody enjoys admitting defeat, much less wanting to make a big deal out
Your ideas are important — share them with the community
Sharing your ideas helps you and others get better. Here’s how to get started. At least once a week I say to myself, “That’s interesting. I should write something about it.” And then I don’t. A bunch of excuses fly into my head. “Lots of people have
Silicon Valley arrogance — “I can tell you which startups will succeed, without even knowing what they do”
According to Marissa Mayer, long hours and weekend work (in person) will lead to success Yesterday I read this article about Marissa Mayer. This quote infuriated me (emphasis mine): My husband [the venture capital investor Zachary Bogue] runs a co-working office in San Francisco…And if you go in on
I’m a boring programmer (and proud of it)
I have a confession to make — I’m not a rock star programmer. Nor am I a hacker. I don’t know ninjutsu. Nobody has ever called me a wizard. Still, I take pride in the fact that I’m a good, solid programmer. One who works hard at his